
Announcements 2023-1203

  • We welcome Owen Getz as our new brother in Christ.
  • Collection for this month: HarvestCall General Fund: (Harvestcall Mission on bboard and with emailed announcements)
    Many hurting people throughout the world languish in spiritual and material poverty. By working together as a brotherhood through HarvestCall, we can offer assistance and hope by proclaiming Christ and serving others; striving to see that God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed and churches are established and nurtured.
    Your generosity is important and necessary to meet the needs of the various missions of our brotherhood.
    Attached is a PDF of the Purpose, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles of HarvestCall.
    Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, and benevolence.
  • Parkview Haven Services Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m. Will look to those on the lunch serving list in December to provide the support group for the evening. (Neil & June, John & Lisa, Jesse & Maura, Evan & Elizabeth, Luke & Hanna)
  • Men’s group singing practice will be Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m.
  • Singing Practice for 3rd-8th. grades, Wednesday evening 7:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall.
  • Christmas Program and Caroling next Sunday December 10th.
    There is a sign up sheet on the hall table to help with the caroling lunch.
  • In Preparation for our annual meeting (January 9th) each Brother/Sister should have received Nomination Ballots in the mail this week to be returned no later than December 10th. (next Sunday)
  • These can be returned to the church or mailed back to me. (Box on hall table) Please let Sis. Heidi or myself know if you have not received one.
    Our chapters this week: Revelation 3-7.
  • Midweek Services: Remington

Looking Ahead:

  • Lunch Serving for Sunday December 10th: Johm & Lisa. (as per calendar)
  • Christmas Program & Caroling: December10th.
  • Christmas Day Services: Monday morning December 25th.
  • New years eve Service: Sunday December 31st. in lieu of afternoon service.
  • Ashley Weerts Testimony/Baptism (Indianapolis) January 6th/7th.

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