
Announcements 2023-0806

  • Collection for this month: Sunday School
  • All are invited to the Getz Pond this afternoon. Meal @ 4:30. Meat will be provided.
  • We are requesting your prayers for our elder meetings this coming week as well as The General Brotherhood Conference this coming Friday, August 11th. There would still be opportunity to attend the conference. The conference will be video & audio livestreamed
    As a reminder, congregational singing will begin at 8:00 a.m., followed by Morning Conference Presentations from 9:00 to 11:30. The lunch break will be from 11:30 to 1:00, with singing beginning at 12:30 p.m., followed by Afternoon Conference Presentations from 1:00 to 3:30.
    This 2023 Conference Website link will take you to the agenda: 
    2023 Conference Website
  • Invite a Guest is Sunday August 20th. There is a signup sheet on the hall table to list you and your guests that will be attending the potluck. This will help with those planning the meal and serving lunch. Please let me know of any visiting ministers that may be invited.
  • Testimonies/Baptisms for Lydia Nieman and Amalee Scheitlin the weekend of August 26/27. There is a signup sheet on the hall table for help with the baptismal meal.
  • Thankful to share that through God’s Grace, along with her Faith and Repentance, Ashley Weerts brings a testimony of Peace with God and man.
  • Our chapters this week are : 1 Timothy 4-6, Titus 1 & 2.
  • Midweek Services: Wolcott

Looking Ahead:

  • Lunch Serving for Sunday August 13th: Dan & Deb.  (as per calendar)
  • General Brotherhood Conference: Friday, August 11th. – Morton IL
  • Men’s Sing: Bluffton North. August 19th. Apostolic Christian Men Sing (
  • Invite a Guest Weekend: August 20th.
  • Testimonies/Baptisms: August 26/27. ( Lydia Nieman, Amalee Scheitlin)
  • Isaac Bahler’s Wedding (Skyler McCullough) in Junction. October 22nd.

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