Monthly singing this evening 6:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall.
There is a sign up sheet on the hall table for those available to assist in the transportation for Sis. Alta.
The Gateway Woods Auction is August 5th. There is a flier on the bulletin board with more auction details. There is also a sign-up sheet on the hall table for help to make pies.
Thank You to all who helped at the HarvestCall project in Goodland. We have made good progress but have some work yet to do. We plan to resume work on Friday morning at 9:00 and Saturday morning also. Contact Jesse Stoller for details/questions.
The church is invited to the wedding of Sis. Kayla Bahler & Austin Roe next Sunday afternoon. Invitation with details on the bulletin board. Singing next Saturday evening here a the church at 7 p.m.
Believing in Faith that God is bringing their lives together we are thankful to announce the engagement of Bro. Isaac Bahler to Sis. Skyler McCullough from Junction (living in Toledo). Parents are Bro. Jim and Sis. Julie McCollough from Junction as well as Bro. Tim & Sis Lynette.
Thanks to each one for your help with the cemetery cleanup this past week.
Please be prayerful for Sis. Marilyn Bahler as she has been moved to Parkview Haven.
Our chapters this week are : Colossians 4, Philemon, 1 Peter 1-3.
Midweek Services: Remington.
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday July 23rd : Phil & Diane. (as per calendar)
Kayla Bahler’s Wedding (Austin Roe) July 23rd.
General Brotherhood Conference: Friday, August 11th. – Morton IL