Parkview Haven Services Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m. Will look to those on the serving list for June to help with the support group for the evening. Young Group and others are welcome. (Micah & Brittney, Kaleb & Allison, Kenney & Sophia, Matt & Heidi)
There is a sign up sheet on the hall table to help with the Parkview Haven Summer Meal.
There will be a 3rd-8th grade singing practice this Wednesday at 7:30. Location yet to be determined. Sarah will be reaching out to the group.
Next Sunday is the Wedding of Sis. Rachel Walder and Bro. Ben Folia. There will be a singing next Saturday evening 7:00 p.m. here at the church. (all are invited)
We have (4) High School Graduates this year: Lydia Nieman, Ellie Scheitlin, Will Getz, Thad Bahler. The church is invited to their open houses. Lydia: yesterday evening. Ellie: This evening 4-7 at her home. Will: This evening 4-7 at the Getz Pond Cabin. Thad: This evening 4-7 at his home.
The Sunday School picnic will be Sunday June 25th at the Remington Park – West Shelter. Potluck meal will start at 4:30pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the hall table.
Through Faith and Repentance, we are thankful to share that Owen Getz has expressed his need for a saviour.
Our chapters this week: Acts 7-11
Midweek Services: Due to parking lot sealing, our midweek service will be at Wolcott this coming Wednesday evening ( June 7th)
VBS is June 12th -16th at the Wolcott Church. The theme this year is “The Name of Jesus”
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday June 11th: Kaleb & Allison (as per calendar)
Rachel Walder’s Wedding. (Ben Folia): June 11
Vacation Bible School (Wolcott): June 12-16.
Sunday School Mission Trip to Jamaica: June 17-24.
Eldon Getz’s Wedding. (LaVonne Wagenbach). July 15th.