Collection for this month: ACCFS – Apostolic Counseling and Family Services.
There is a sign up sheet on the hallway table for those able to assist in the transportation for Sis. Alta Kilgus for the next 3 months.
Sign up for the new monthly Apostolic Christian Church Emailnewsletter (first issue was April 3) to: Learn about new Apostolic Christian content (podcasts, articles, etc.) Hear from church leadership on timely topics Stay up to date on national and regional AC events Gain a deeper appreciation for the brotherhood Discover new AC Bookstore products The Remington church is inviting to Cissna Park Fellowship Hall on May 7th at 7:00pm (eastern) for a singing. There is a sign up sheet on the hall table. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
Communion Service is planned for Sunday afternoon April 30th. (2 weeks from today)
Our chapters this week are: Romans 12-16
Midweek Services: Wolcott.
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday April 23rd.: Luke & Hannah.
Indiana ACYF for high school students will be at the Beck Center (West Lafayette) on Sunday, April 23rd.
Communion: Sunday afternoon April 30th.
Cissna Park Hymn Sing May 7th 7:00 pm EST
Rachel Walder’s Wedding. (Ben Folia): June 11
Vacation Bible School (Wolcott): June 12-16.
Sunday School Mission Trip to Jamaica: June 17-24.