Vacation Bible School will begin tomorrow evening. (June 6th thru 10th). There is a sign up sheet on the hall table for help with various duties for the week. There are a few programs on the table (and will also send as an attachment with email) that you can use to invite guests for the week.
Due to VBS a couple of changes from our normal Monthly Schedule: Our Tuesday evening singing for Parkview Haven will be rescheduled from June 7th to June 14th. (change from calendar) There will be no HarvestCall Family night on Monday evening.
The 6th Annual HarvestCall Haiti Dairy Benefit Dinner will be held on Saturday June 18th in Bluffton at Neu-Hope Dairy Farm. Families are welcomed to attend, and registration is required More details are on the bboard and will be sent with emailed announcements.
All are invited to the HarvestCall Proclaim & Serve 2022 Missions conference which will be held in Goodfield IL on July 9th. Many learning opportunities are available. Details with information and registration are on the bboard and will also be sent with the emailed announcements.
Tom and Pablo, our exchange students, will be going back home this week, we are thankful for the time they spent with us and trust you will take a part of us home with you. We are thankful that Pablo’s parents from Spain are with us this morning.
Our chapters this week are: Acts 7-11.
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday June 12th.: Dana & Lea (as per calendar)
Testimonies/Baptisms – Rachel & Justin – June 25th/26th.