- Collection for this month: Local Harvestcall Projects.
Donations from the HarvestCall Local Collection are used for: • Local summer work projects • Family Night projects at the Distribution Center • Sewing projects • Soap making • Food distribution through food pantries and soup kitchens. • Distribution Center operating costs
There is an attachment that explains the uses for the local collection in more detail
Thank you for your prayers and generous support. May the name of Jesus be glorified through every labor of love.
- Harvestcall Family night, Monday evening at the HC distribution center. Light supper at 6:00 p.m. with projects from 6:30 – 8:30.
Family Night Sign-Up Link:
- There is a need to provide a full meal for the 2nd Monday of each month for the Harvestcall Family Nights. There is a new signup sheet on the hall table for two families to provide a simple meal for approximately 50 people each month beginning May 9. Please ask Sis. Jenni or Sis. Lynnette if you have any questions.
- We will provide a group and be recording the singing for Parkview on Tuesday, May 3rd @ 7:30 pm EST. The group will meet at the Remington Fellowship Hall and sing songs via Zoom. Families on the serving list for May and the Young Group are encouraged to participate. Creekside residents are welcome to enjoy the singing at the Fellowship Hall. Bro. Neil will be coordinating. Serving List for May: (Al & Sarah, Bible Class, Jason & Sara, Dean & Tammy, Dan & Denise)
- There is a trip planned with fellowship and singing on the Madam Carrol on Sunday May 15th. for our local Apostolic Christian Churches. All are invited to attend. The boat leaves at 5:30 PM and returns at 7:30 PM.
- 1 John 5:20 20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Through Faith and Repentance Rachel Walder brings a testimony of Peace with God & man. She would welcome your counsel, love, and encouragement.
- Our chapters this week are: Luke 6-10.we
- Midweek Services : Wolcott.
Looking Ahead:
- Lunch Serving for Sunday: May 8th – Bible Class (Mother’s Day) (as per calendar)
- Vacation Bible School – June 6th – 10th.
- Sunday School Picnic – June 26th.