The Remington Bible Class and Remington/Wolcott Young Group will be practicing songs for the Easter Program April 7th at 7:30 at Tim & Lynnette Bahler’s house & Sunday morning the 10th at 9:00 at the Fellowship Hall.
Bro. Dan plan to meet with the Remington Church on Wednesday evening April 6th. He is planning to share some information from the past elder conference as well as an exhortation for Communion. Families & friends welcome.
The church is invited to a wedding reception of Bro. Austin & Sis. Samantha. April 23rd, 9:00- 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. A RSVP is requested. Let Sis. Heidi know
Remington AC Church will provide a group and be recording the singing for Parkview on Tuesday, April 5th @ 7:30 pm EST. The group will meet at the Remington Fellowship Hall and sing songs via Zoom. Families on the serving list for February and the Young Group are encouraged to participate. Creekside residents are welcome to enjoy the singing at the Fellowship Hall. Bruce Waibel will be coordinating.
The sign up sheet for “ Picking up Sister Alta for Sunday Church “ has been filled for the months of April, May, and June. Please call Sister Alta the day prior to your turn.
There are lost and found items in the womens coat closet of the fellowship hall that were discovered when cleaning. (medium Nautica brand jacket with green sleeves)/misc.