Collection for this month: HarvestCall. If you would like to make a contribution towards the Humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, you can list that on your check or write a separate check
Harvestcall Food Distribution, Monday evening at the HC distribution center. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Sign-Up Link:
Monthly singing this evening, 6:30 p.m. @ the Fellowship Hall.
There will be no choir practice this week due to Spring Break.
Fellowship hall cleaning is this coming Saturday March 26th. beginning at 8:00 a.m. There is a cleaning list out on the counter between the kitchen and the large room for people who want to work throughout the week.
There is a sign up sheet on the back hall table for “ Picking up Sister Alta for Sunday Church “ For the months of April, May, and June. Please call Sister Alta the day prior to your turn.
The church is invited to a wedding reception of Bro. Austin & Sis. Samantha April 23rd, 9:00- 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. A RSVP is requested with a link available on the emailed invitation. You can also email or text Sis. Heidi with your RSVP.
The Athens, Alabama congregation invites everyone to attend
ALive 2022 on May 27-30 (Memorial Day Weekend) to enjoy a wonderful weekend filled with cross generational fellowship, beautiful singing and Biblical teachings. The weekend event will be held at The Vision, a 300+ acre Christian retreat in Huntsville, AL.
Thank you for your prayers for the Mid-winter Elder Conference on March 8 through March 11. We felt the Holy Spirit and the bond of peace as we sought His direction to lead our churches. Will plan to share information from the conference the same evening as our Communion Exhortation on April 6th.
Communion exhortation for the Remington Church will be 2 weeks from Wednesday evening (April 6th) I will also be sharing some details of our recent elder conference.
Midweek Services: Wolcott.
Our chapters this week are: 2nd, Corinthians 5-9.
We will plan to transition into initiating the Holy Kiss next Sunday March 27th. Details are on AC Central at the end of March 20th PM service.
Looking Ahead:
• Lunch Serving for Sunday March 27th: Ron & Brenda (as per calendar)
• Communion Exhortation: Wednesday evening April 6th.
• Sunday School Easter Program: Sunday April10th.
• Communion Services: Saturday evening April 23rd.
Apostolic Christian Church