Harvestcall Family night, Monday evening at the HC distribution center. Light supper at 6:00 p.m. with projects from 6:30 – 8:30.
Harvestcall Sewing will be Tuesday from 9-3 in the basement of the Fellowship Hall.
The Remington Church is invited to Fairbury next Sunday for church services, a meal and singing. If you plan to attend please sign up on the sheet on the hall table today.
Testimonies and Baptisms planned for Thad, Ellie, and Evan, the weekend of February 26/27. There is a sign-up sheet on the hall table for help with the baptism meal on the 27th.
It’s time to update the church directory. You can utilize the online directory or the hard copy on the hall table to make changes. Online directoryhttp://andygetz.com/addressbook/ Please make any changes by February 13th. Contact Bro. Andy with questions.
There is a Harvestcall clothing drive through the month of February. Clean used clothes in good condition can be dropped off at the HC distribution center or in the basement of the fellowship hall.
Our chapters this week are: Mark 7-11.
Midweek Services: Wolcott
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday February 13th: Gene & Diane (as per calendar)
Wedding shower planned for Bro. Austin and Sis. Samantha on February 19th. (details on bboard)
Testimonies and Baptisms planned for Thad, Ellie, and Evan, the weekend of February 26/27.