
Announcements 2021-1107

Collection for this month: Brotherhood Operations Fund.

Will be collecting for the Silver Lining Dues this month. They suggest $18 per family.
Checks need to be made out to the church with “Silver Lining dues” noted on the check.
Anyone wishing to be added to the list to receive the Silver Lining should contact Sis. Marcella.

  • If you were unable to attend Memorandum there were technical difficulties with AC Central and we were unable to livestream. See the recording brothers for audio copies and there are also written copies available at the recording bench.

All Church Potluck for the Remington and Wolcott Congregations this afternoon at 4:00 p.m.. (meat will not be furnished)

Monthly singing this evening at the Fellowship Hall at 5:30.

We plan to share the results of our minister search and will be meeting with the brothers and sisters this evening, 7:00 p.m. here at the Church

There will be 3rd-8th. grade singing practice Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall.

Any ladies high school age and older who would like to sing in a women’s group for the Christmas program please let Sis. Sara Schambach know of your interest as soon as possible.

Invite A Guest is November 14th. The meal is planned for 4:30 for you and your guests at the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend, even if you are not hosting guests. A sign-up sheet is on the Hall Table. Meat and table service are provided.

Young Group babysitting is planned for December 4, from 9 am-4 pm at the Fellowship Hall. There are sign-up sheets in the women's coat room and in the baby room. Contact Sister Kedron if you have any questions.

Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Thankful to announce new converts: Sam Getz, Isaac Bahler.

Our chapters this week are: Gospel of John 11-15.

Midweek Service: Remington

Looking Ahead:

Lunch Serving for Sunday: June 14: Neil & June  (as per calendar)

HarvestCall’s winter rebuilding project will be in Lafayette Louisiana January 9th – March 25th. 2022.
In order to give everyone equal chance at the limited spots available, registration will be “first com” , “first served starting at noon on November 17th at the harvest call website.

Young Group babysitting is planned for December 4, from 9 am-4 pm at the Fellowship Hall. There are sign-up sheets in the women's coat room and in the baby room. Contact Sister Kedron if you have any questions.

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