
Announcements 2021-1017

  • Collection for this month: Servant Fund.

The Servant Fund of the Apostolic Christian Church of America provides modest financial support for brothers and sisters sent as full-time missionaries by HarvestCall. Using a national fund for support allows those sent to devote their time and attention to their ministry, rather than being required to raise their own funds. Another benefit is that those sent receive a consistent level of support that does not depend on title, size of congregation, or fund-raising abilities. With approximately 45 missionary brothers and sisters currently serving, our financial commitment to our brethren is around $1,150,000 over the year. Those serving as well as HarvestCall express gratitude for your support of the Servant Fund and the outreaches of the Apostolic Christian Church.

Item donations are needed for the Hospital Lumiere’s virtual benefit auction planned for Thursday November 4 through Saturday November 6. Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service,
visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at: (see attachment)

HarvestCall’s winter rebuilding project will be in Lafayette Louisiana January 9th – March 25th. 2022.
In order to give everyone equal chance at the limited spots available, registration will be “first com” , “first served starting at noon on November 17th at the harvest call website.

The Silver Lining periodically features a topical article compiled from readers’ submissions.
The January 2022 topic is: "Personalizing the Great Commission in Your Own Interactions: Encouragement, Advice, and Experiences Regarding Fulfilling. Matthew 28:18-20 in All Walks of Life.” (see attachment)

Monthly singing will be this evening 6:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall.

Topical – this coming Wednesday evening October 20th:   ACCFS will be presenting Safe Technology Use for the Whole Family: This presentation outlines scriptural principles surrounding discernment and usage in the realm of technology. It is suitable for the entire family and offers encouragement to parents and challenges to children to consider the impact technology is having on our lives.

Invite A Guest is November 14th. The meal is planned for 4:30 for you and your guests at the Fellowship Hall. A sign-up sheet is on the Hall Table through November 7th. All are welcome to attend. Meat and table service are provided.

Memorandum reading will be Saturday evening, Novembert 6th., 7:00 p.m. here at the Remington church.
This will be for the Remington and Wolcott Congregations.
Elder Bro. Nick Gutwein plans to be with Bro. Greg and I.
An all church potluck with the Wolcott church is planned for for Sunday November 7th.

Let Bro. Micah or Sis. Brittany know of any changes for the 2022 lunch serving schedule.
Our friends would be welcome to be added to the list.

As an update of our minister search I would like to pencil in a Church Meeting for the Brothers and Sisters Sunday evening, November 7th .

Our chapters this week are: 1st. Peter 1-5.

Lord Willing we will be taking our minister rotation turn and helping with serving communion next Sunday in Clarendon VT. Will be glad to take your greetings and prayers.

Be prayerful for Bro. Elmer Bahler (and family) as he has been in the hospital since Thursday with pneumonia.

Looking Ahead:

Lunch Serving for Sunday October 17th: Loren & Jenni (as per calendar)

Topical – Wednesday evening October 20th:   ACCFS will be presenting Safe Technology Use for the Whole Family: This presentation outlines scriptural principles surrounding discernment and usage in the realm of technology. It is suitable for the entire family and offers encouragement to parents and challenges to children to consider the impact technology is having on our lives.

Memorandum Reading: November 6th. 7 p.m. here at the Remington Church.

All Church Potluck with Wolcott November 7th.

Invite A Guest is November 14th. The meal is planned for 4:30 for you and your guests at the Fellowship Hall. A sign-up sheet is on the Hall Table through November 7th. All are welcome to attend. Meat and table service are provided. Please let me know of any guest ministers that may be coming.

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