Collection for this month: Charity Fund. (last Sunday)
· Minister Nominations to be turned in today Sunday September 26th. Place in box in Foyer or mail.
· We have received information from the owner/operators of the Madam Carrol that they have suspended all cruises for the rest of this season due to low water levels. We will reschedule our 9/26 outing for some time in 2022.
· Everyone is welcome to the Getz Pond this afternoon for a picnic at 4:30. Drinks and tableware are provided. Full potluck for the food.
· There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer table for volunteers to host the monthly singing for 2022.
· Our chapters this week are: 1st Timothy 6 & 2nd Timothy 1-4.
· Midweek Services: Here at Remington.
· Topcial – Wednesday evening October 20th: Safe Technology Use for the Whole Family: This presentation outlines scriptural principles surrounding discernment and usage in the realm of technology. It is suitable for the entire family and offers encouragement to parents and challenges to children to consider the impact technology is having on our lives.
Looking Ahead:
· Lunch Serving for Sunday October 3rd: Dana & Leah (as per calendar)
· Topical – Wednesday evening October 20th: ACCFS will be presenting Safe Technology Use for the Whole Family: This presentation outlines scriptural principles surrounding discernment and usage in the realm of technology. It is suitable for the entire family and offers encouragement to parents and challenges to children to consider the impact technology is having on our lives.
· Memorandum Reading: Saturday evening November 6th. 7 p.m. here at the Remington Church.The body content of your post goes here.
Apostolic Christian Church