
Announcements 2021-0801

Collection for this month: Gateway Woods.

We will provide a singing group and be recording for Parkview Haven on Tuesday, August 3rd. 7:30 p.m. We will meet at the Fellowship Hall and sing via Zoom. We encourage the you group and those serving lunch in August to help provide the support group.
(Tim & Lynette, Rolyce & Lori, Phil & Diane, Kurt & Patti, Alan & Sarah)
           Bro. Mark Bahler will be coordinating.

The Gateway Woods Auction is Saturday, August 7th.
There is a signup sheet for making pies on the back hall table.
If you would like to donate items or donate towards a larger Wolcott/Remington item please contact Bro. Trent Bahler.
There is also a flyer on the back hall table for more auction information.

Our chapters this week are: Luke 24 & 1 Corinthians 1-4.

This coming week is the Annual Brotherhood conference in Rittman Ohio.
The General Conference will be on Friday August 6th.
Singing will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the conference will begin at 9:00 a.m.
The conference will be live streamed for members and converts. I have emailed the link to the members of our congregation.
If you have not received the link and would like to, please let me know.
The audio of the conference will also be live on AC Central- Sermons – Rittman.
We will begin listening to conference recordings Wednesday evening August 11th.

We will also have our summer elder conference on Wednesday and Thursday of this week along with the elder/minister meeting on Thursday evening. Please be prayerful for the week.

As we shared at our annual meeting and again at memorandum, I would like to begin the initial steps of consideration for help in the ministry, and have set aside (2) dates to meet with the church beginning on Sunday afternoon August 15th. and Sunday afternoon September 12th. I Would also like to tentatively set the date of October 3rd. for followup. Details will be shared as the process unfolds. We want the Lord to do the leading.

Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday: August 8th.: Rolyce & Lori. (as per calendar)

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