
Announcements 2021-0704

Collection for this month: Life Points.

We will be providing a group and be recording the singing for Parkview on Tuesday, July 6 @ 8:00 pm ET. We will meet at the Remington Fellowship Hall and sing via Zoom. Families on the serving list for July and the Young Group are encouraged to participate. Bro. Neil Knobloch will be coordinating.
(Dan& Jenna, Dan & Deb, Ron & Brenda, Bruce & Jody)

Lord willing we will be starting up our monthly potlucks in July. Committee is in place for July and will be putting together a new potluck sheet for the coming year. If anyone who has not participated in our monthly potlucks but would like to be added please contact Sis. Diane Isabell.
Diane’s new cell # (219) 869-6101

The Silver Lining periodically features a compilation of readers’ submissions on a given topic. We encourage you to contribute. The September
2021 topic is: "What have you learned about pursuing peacemaking and edifying one another (Romans 14:19)?” (see attachment)

Our chapters this week are: Luke 4-8.

Special thanks to each one who helped make the SS picnic a Blessing. Thanks to teachers who have completed their terms as well as prayers and support for new teachers coming in.

Midweek services will be at Remington.

Looking Ahead:

Lunch Serving for Sunday: July 11th. (Dan & Deb)

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