Midweek Services:
We will plan to go back to our “normal” combined midweek services beginning this coming Wednesday evening June 16th.
Services will be at Wolcott and for now our suggestion is that our greeting be with a handshake.
The 2021 Apostolic Christian Church Conference is planned to be held at Rittman Ohio on Friday August 6th.
We want to invite all to this conference, so if you can attend please email me
dkilgus@centurylink.net by June 25th so registration can be finalized by July 4th. (see attachment)
Our chapters this week are: Ephesians 4-6/Philippians 1 & 2.
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday: June 20th. Greg & Heidi. (as per calendar)
Apostolic Christian Church