Collection for this month = Harvest Call Local Collection: Local Summer Work Projects, Family Nights, Sewing Projects, Soap Making, Food Distribution, Distribution Center Operating Costs.
We will be providing a group and will be singing at Parkview Haven on Tuesday Evening, May 4 @ 6:30 pm ET. (Please note this change)—The group will be singing to the residents outside the windows at Parkview. Families on the serving list for May and the Young Group are encouraged to participate. Bro. Jesse Stoller will be coordinating. (Kaleb & Allison, Bible Class, Kenny & Sophie, Matt & Heidi, Gene & Diane)
The Church is invited to the Graduation Open Houses of Sis. Kedron Knobloch on May 23rd. 4-7 p.m. at her home and Marissa Schini on June 6th. 4-7 p.m. at the Remington Library. Invitations with details on bulletin board.
The Cheer Circle Auction has been re-scheduled for June 18th.
Our chapters this week are: Mathew 18-22.
Looking Ahead:
Lunch Serving for Sunday May 9th: (Mother’s Day) – Bible Class
Spring Memorandum – Wednesday Evening May 12th.
Graduation Service May 23rd. Invite to Sis. Kedron’s Open House 4-7 p.m. at her home.
Graduation Open House for Marrissa Schini, June 6th. 4-7 p.m. at the Remington Library.
Cheer Circle Auction – June 18th.
Apostolic Christian Church